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Making Cloudfront Signed URLs work with response-content-disposition

๐Ÿ“… 2022-11-28

โŒ› 774 days ago

As of v3.219.0 of the @aws-sdk/cloudfront-signer package, adding a response-content-disposition query parameter to the URL being sent to the getSignedUrl function will result in an Access Denied error on the output Cloudfront URL:

const disposition = 'attachment;filename="test.txt"';

const signedUrl = getSignedUrl({
	keyPairId: config.cloudfrontKeyPairId,
	privateKey: config.cloudfrontSigningKey,
	url: `https://d1x2y3z4.cloudfront.net/test.txt?response-content-disposition=${encodeURIComponent(
	dateLessThan: new Date(Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7),

// https://d1x2y3z4.cloudfront.net/test.txt?response-content-disposition=attachment;filename=newFilename.txt&Policy=XXXXXX&Key-Pair-Id=YYYYYY&Signature=ZZZZZZ

The above code will result in an Access Denied error when the URL is accessed:

  <Message>Access denied</Message>

Evidently, the issue happens when the encoded URL (using encodeURIComponent) is reverted by the getSignedUrl function.

From the source, it seems that the input url parameter is fed into the @aws-sdk/url-parser package, which is presumably where the encoded URL is being lost in translation.

import { parseUrl } from "@aws-sdk/url-parser";


 * Creates a signed URL string using a canned or custom policy.
 * @returns the input URL with signature attached as query parameters.
export function getSignedUrl({
}: CloudfrontSignInput): string {
  const parsedUrl = parseUrl(url);

The Workaround

The workaround is to manually set the query parameter after parsing the signed URL:

const disposition = `attachment;filename=newFilename.txt;`;

const url = new URL(`test.txt`, `https://d1x2y3z4.cloudfront.net`);
url.searchParams.append('response-content-disposition', disposition);

const signedUrl = getSignedUrl({
	url: url.href,
	keyPairId: config.cloudfrontKeyPairId,
	privateKey: config.cloudfrontSigningKey,
	dateLessThan: expires.toISOString(),
	dateLessThan: new Date(Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7),

const fixedSignedUrl = new URL(signedUrl);
fixedSignedUrl.searchParams.set('response-content-disposition', disposition);
return fixedSignedUrl.href;

Which works out just fine! ๐ŸŽ‰

From the comments on this GitHub issue, a โ€œfixโ€ doesnโ€™t seem to be in the works. I ended up losing many a few hours trying to figure out what was going on. Hoping that this helps out someone else.