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Interpreting Computer Programs

📅 2019-08-23

1983 days ago



Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs has been recommended to me time and time again. I’ve seen it being praised on Reddit and HackerNews a million times. I think it’s worth giving it a try.

Those who hate SICP think it doesn’t deliver enough tips and tricks for the amount of time it takes to read. But if you’re like me, you’re not looking for one more trick, rather you’re looking for a way of synthesizing what you already know, and building a rich framework onto which you can add new learning over a career. That’s what SICP has done for me. I read a draft version of the book around 1982, when I was in grad school, and it changed the way I think about my profession. If you’re a thoughtful computer scientist (or want to be one.md), it will change your life too.

– Peter Norvig

I want to become a better programmer. I’m convinced the book will help me a lot in that regard.

My goal is to:

P.S. I once recorded all my progress on this page. I’ve since had to delete it because LaTeX rendering was a mess during one of my SSG pipelines. I might add it back someday.